CSS-Lesson 7

Other layout properties

The 'clear' property

The 'clear' property has a default value of 'none'. Other values are 'left', 'right' and 'both'.

The 'clip' property

The 'clip' property has a default value of 'auto' and another value of 'rect(top, right, bottom, left)', where the enclosed parts of the value are sizes.

The 'outline' property

The 'outline' property is somewhat similar to the 'border' property inasmuch it puts a line around an element on all four sides. Unlike a border, the outline applies the same values to all four sides. The outline property is a shorthand property listing -color, -style and -width.

Property Values
outline-color color (see CSS-Lessons 4 & 5)
outline-style none
outline-width size (see CSS-Lesson 4)

One source ("The ultimate CSS Reference" by Tommy Olsson & Paul O'Brian) suggests that the outline property has a use in debugging web page layout problems,

The 'overflow' property

The 'overflow' property has a default value of 'visible'. Other values are 'hidden', 'scroll' and 'auto'. The effect is how to display any overflow from a fixed-size box. It can be hidden or made to scroll. The value 'auto' provides a scroll bar if it is needed, while 'scroll' provides a scroll bar whether it is needed or not.

The 'visibility' property

The 'visibility' property has values of 'visible', 'hidden' and 'collapse'. Its use is currently dodgy as different browsers display these values differently.

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