HTML-Lesson 10

Tables 3

Even more Table Tags

The tags 'thead', 'tfoot' and 'tbody' can be used to enclose heading rows, table footer rows and the remaining body of data cells. E.G:

Column 1 </th>
Column 2 </th>
<td colspan="2">
The End </td>
cell 1,1 </td>
cell 2,1 </td>
cell 1,2 </td>
cell 2,2 </td>
cell 1,3 </td>
cell 2,3 </td>

This code results in the table.

Column 1 Column 2
The End
cell 1,1 cell 2,1
cell 1,2 cell 2,2
cell 1,3 cell 2,3

NOTE that 'thead', 'tfoot' and 'tbody' must appear in this order.

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