General Design Considerations 3


What is style

Style is the look of the page, whether it be a printed page or a page on the web. It is sometimes referred to as 'house style' or the style of a publishing house. It makes publications from that source more easily understood because the reader is used to the style and can find their way around the page more readily.

Look at your local paper. Very often, the same sort of story is in the same place on the page with the illustrations in the same place.

Your style

Your style is important for the same reason. It helps the visitors to your web site find their way around the site. Do you, for example, want the visitor to your web site to be somewhat guided around your site, or are you happy to let them loose to find their own way. If the former, then you restrict their number of choices and if the latter then provide them with links to all your pages.

Layout and Colour

These factors will to some extent dictate your layout. The desired 'feel' of your site will lead you to a choice of colour scheme. All business perhaps calls for stark colours and layout. Informative sites can indulge in more colour, but whatever you do, don't go overboard on colour and other style factors.

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