HTML-Lesson 3

Templates 2


Heading tags run from 'h1', the largest, to 'h6', the smallest. That is, if you do not modify these headings.

Spaces and carriage returns


A few facts that you should know about browsers. If a web page has more than one consecutive space, a browser will ignore all but the first. This means that 'character art' like this has to be treated in a special way.

             o o
     Wot' no spaces!@*!

So much for art. Carriage returns and line feeds are, likewise, ignored. Instead, html tags are used. To be specific, paragraphs are enclosed by paragraph tags and line-break tags.

Paragraph and line-break tags

Paragraphs are enclosed in paragraph tags, thus:
<p> This is a whole paragraph. </p>
The line-break tag, <br /> is used to finish a short line of text, when it is not the end of a paragraph or the end of an item in a list. NOTE that the line-break tag is self-closing.

The current template

Your template file should now look something like this:
A page title goes here</title>
A rather large heading goes here</h1>

A paragraph of 'content' goes here.

You're well on your way to be a web master.

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