Hexadecimal Numbers

Computers do not understand every-day (decimal=base10) numbers, but work with binary numbers (numbers that only use the digits 0 and 1=base2).

This can make for some very long-winded numbers. See the examples in the table below. In the early days of computers, engineers started to group binary digits in threes to read them (octal numbers=base8). When personal computers came along in the late seventies, the number of binary digits (bits) in a standard unit of memory (Byte) was eight. In octal numbers this became a two-bit digit followed by two three-bit digits.

It seemed more logical to split these eight-bit digits into two four-bit digits. Thus a Byte becomes two four-bit (hexadecimal=base16) numbers. Having only ten digits in decimal numbers, the shortfall is made up by adopting the letters 'a' to 'f' for the missing digits.

Whatever the base, arithmetic is the same. Try some for yourself.

Numbers in different systems
Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal
00 00
11 11
210 22
311 33
4100 44
5101 55
6110 66
7111 77
81000 108
91001 119
101010 12a
111011 13b
121100 14c
131101 15d
141110 16e
151111 17f
1610000 2010
1710001 2111
1810010 2212
1910011 2313
2010100 2414
2110101 2515
2210110 2616
2310111 2717
2411000 3018
2511001 3119
3011110 361e
35100011 4323
40101000 5028
45101101 552d
50110010 6232
55110111 6737
60111100 743c
1001100100 14464

This lesson is available 1816/1112 ;-)

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